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Case Study: Elevating the Product Experience with Commerce Cloud

How can you combine Salesforce Commerce Cloud, LWR, and CMS to develop a product-first storefront that makes your brand sing? Explore the case study for our D2C clickable demo site, Precision Designs then explore the storefront.

Saltbox Mgmt

While developing our Precision Designs D2C Commerce Cloud clickable demo, we wanted to keep our build as tied to real-world use cases as possible, going as far as writing a case study for the output. Read all about the challenge, solution, and outcome we imagined for Precision Designs.

Company Overview

Precision Designs is an innovative retailer of premium office furniture solutions. Beginning with a few brick and mortar shops, Precision Designs implemented Salesforce Sales Cloud to track customers and provide visibility across shops. However, word of mouth about their brand quickly launched them into national demand, resulting in the need for an ecommerce solution.

The Challenge 

With a new growth strategy focused on new markets and revenue streams, Precision Designs quickly recognized the need for a platform that could not only support their increasingly complex product catalog but scale with them for the long-term.

Given the success of their Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation, and their continued direct sales motion, the answer was clear—having a unified platform would increase customer satisfaction and ease scalability. 

The Salesforce Solution

Still, Precision Designs had one additional hurdle—historically, product information dynamically loaded from Salesforce fields restricted how engaging and visually compelling the pages could be. The team needed a solution to create pixel-perfect, immersive experiences without sacrificing Salesforce's native integration capabilities they relied on.

To elevate their digital storefront, Precision Designs leveraged the powerful Salesforce Content Management System (CMS) seamlessly integrated with Commerce Cloud.

Salesforce CMS enabled the team to:

  • Build Rich Content Collections: Assemble images, media, and marketing copy into compelling collections within user-friendly CMS Workspaces.
  • Dynamically Render Content: Inject these collections directly onto product pages, creating dynamic, visually stunning layouts.
  • Decouple Content from Code: Make real-time content updates without republishing the site, streamlining delivery.
  • Maintain Governance: Implement approval workflows while enabling marketing agility.

The Impact

Integrating Salesforce CMS with Commerce Cloud transformed Precision Designs' product experiences. Pages now feature rich media, compelling storytelling, and immersive visuals that bring products to life, driving increased conversions and customer satisfaction. (Click here to explore their storefront.)

The decoupled CMS architecture empowers rapid content iteration, enabling faster product launches and promotions. With unified customer data, orders, content, and commerce on one platform, Precision Designs streamlined operations while unlocking captivating digital experiences.

This powerful combination positions the company for continued growth and industry leadership in the premium office furniture market.

Want a similar story for your company? Get in touch, let's see what we can accomplish together.

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